Medical doctors (MDs) are good at setting broken bones, stitching up wounds, removing bullets, and administering (prescribing) antibiotics but for chronic disease, they are the wrong dog for the hunt.
Mainstream medicine (so-called, Allopathic Medicine) grew up in the battlefields of the world where emergency treatment is what's needed. Battlefield medicine is what our culture considers "mainstream" and every other form of medicine is called "alternative". Whether Chiropractory, Holistic, etc. if it's not Allopathic (i.e. battlefield) medicine, it's considered "alternative".

Naturopathic medicine, on the other hand, starts from a whole other place. Naturopaths start out with the fundamental belief that God created our bodies with the ability to heal themselves if they are given the proper nutrition (vitamins, minerals, amino acids, etc.). Chronic disease, therefore, is the symptomatic expression of one or more nutrient deficiencies.
If you have an infected limb (as is the case on the battlefield), a medical doctor can amputate that limb in order to save the life of the patient. But if you have asthma, pre-diabetes, cancer, arthritis or any other chronic disease (i.e. non-emergency), the Allopathic MD is extremely limited in what he is able to do. His training is inappropriate.
When faced with a chronic condition (high blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis, tonsillitis, etc.) the MD employs the same battlefield tactics he learned in medical school against the patient's disease. You hear it in the verbiage used when they "combat the symptoms". Have you ever heard of someone who has had their tonsils removed? The MD's concept of "cure" is to merely eliminate the symptom (i.e. cut off the limb, cut out the diseased gland or organ, etc.)
But simply cutting off the diseased portion of your body does not address the underlying deficiency. One of the reasons surgery and radiation tends not to work is that cutting out cancer is not the path to healing. It only masks the symptom of a nutrient deficiency. People don't get cancer because they have a chemo-drug deficiency but they can get cancer because they have a calcium and magnesium deficiency. If you address the deficiency, you cure the condition - reversing the symptom.
So the lesson is to not let them cut you. You cannot heal limbs that have been cut off, organs or glands that have been cut out - barring a flat-out miracle. Certainly, everything is case-by-case but as a general rule: Don't let 'em cut ya!
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