Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Is Healing an Event or a Process?

There's no doubt about it; I'm on thin ice with this post.

We have to ask ourselves the question: Is healing an event or a process?  Does chronic disease "just happen" or does it take years to develop?  If you listen to your medical doctor (MD), you might be under the impression that high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, or cancer "just happens" but nothing could be further from the truth.  The truth is that no chronic illness hits a person out-of-the-blue.  Just as healing is a process, so is sickness.

Healing is a process - not an event.  Without realizing it, we tend to believe that if we take a magic pill then everything will be alright - overnight.  Even our religion teaches us that miraculous healing is available - if only we'd believe "hard enough".  This magical or spooky aura around health and healing is what keeps the magicians (the MDs and other faith healers) in control of us.

Let's go to the bible: The woman with the issue of blood, who touched the hem of Jesus' garment received miraculous healing; right?  Before I go on, I need to point out that I believe in miraculous healing and I LOVE the God of all creation who sits high and looks low to help His people in times of need.  But honestly, how many of us know people who have experienced healing like this and then one month, two months, six months later, the disease is back?  How many cancer patients have received remission only to have the cancer come back with a vengeance a year or two later?

We might be able to get over certain issues - even life-threatening issues - but unless we get smart about it and take intelligent steps to prevent those issues from re-emerging, we're going to wind up confused and angry.  How could God have healed me, only to let me succumb to that same illness 6-months hence?  Instead of shaking our fists at God or feeling badly about the quality of our faith, we need to be smart about health and healing.

The similarity between sickness and sin is too close to be ignored. When you were saved did God take away your sins?  Shake your head, yes!  But then a few months later, what happened? Have you ever known someone who received salvation only to fall back into the old pattern of life they lived prior to the salvation event?  Why does that happen and what can we do about it?

Sickness and disease operate the same way.  We get a healing (whether divine or through the work of a medical doctor) but 6-months later, we're sick again - with the same malady. What went wrong?

Unfortunately, the thing that went wrong was our attitude.  We foolishly believed that our healing was an event that did not require a changed life.  Oh oh...  Our doctor or other faith healer did not warn us that except we change our minds about health and healing, we will fall right back into the same sickness from which we were delivered.  Remission, therefore, is a gift and salvation is a process.

The similarities are eerily... similar.  Repentance (i.e. changing our minds) is required in all areas of life.  It keeps us from falling back into our old patterns and keeps us safe from harm.

What if God paid off all your credit cards, paid your mortgage, paid off your car, and gave you $10,000 to boot?  If you don't change your mind (i.e. repent) and turn your life over to the wisdom of the scriptures, you're going to wind up right back in the same poor-house from which God delivered you. There are warnings in the scriptures against going into debt and paying interest. Furthermore it is written: "The rich ruleth over the poor and the borrower is slave to the lender".  If we ignore those teachings, what will the result be?

If you bail out a fool, your going to have to bail him out again.  Believe it!  This is true whether we're talking about disease, debt, or sin.  When it comes to these issues, think in terms of process rather than event.

Logon to my website to find out more about the process of health and healing:  www.XChangeNutricare.com.

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