Tuesday, April 5, 2016

The Emperor Has No Clothes

We have been inculcated (i.e. it is the tradition and teaching of our culture) that your medical doctor (MD) is the only one who knows anything about health and healing.  With that in mind, the MDs have positioned themselves in the driver's seat of medicine and everyone else is a back-of-the-bus quack.  The fact is that MDs only practice one form of medicine to the exclusion all others. That form of medicine is called "Allopathic Medicine".

Allopathic Medicine is said to be "oppositionally defiant", which means that your MD is trained to OPPOSE the symptom of disease.  If you have a headache or you suffer from arthritis pain, the MD prescribes pain killers.  Pain killers suppress (i.e. dominate) the symptom but they do nothing to correct the underlying problem.  It's just like cutting the wires to the warning lights on your car's dashboard.  Your body is telling you, there's something wrong but your MD feels that sabotaging that warning system is a good idea.  How do YOU feel about that?

If you have a tumor, for example (whether malignant or benign) the MD is trained to do three things (not necessarily in this order):
  1. Poison (with drugs and Chemotherapy)
  2. Radiate (Bombard the tumor with X-Ray radiation)
  3. Cut (Surgery)
All these therapies are designed to oppose the symptom of the disease and do nothing to address the underlying cause.  When an MD prescribes steroids, his goal is to knock-down the symptom of some bodily disorder and not to cure or reverse the problem.  An MD is trained to view the symptom as the problem when simple logic tells you that that philosophy is foolish - yet we keep on paying our health insurance premiums, we keep visiting our MD, we keep trusting that this medical professional is able to help us.  Does that seem reasonable to you?

It's like we've all taken an insanity pill.  We keep on listening to these people - treating them almost like gods - when they come right out and tell us that their therapeutics cannot cure anything. They KNOW that they are ineffective!  When will we wake up from this horrible nightmare?  When will we recognize that the Emperor has no clothes?

The body is ready, willing and able to heal itself IF it is given the nutrients it needs to do so.  Chronic disease is the signpost identifying the specific deficiency or deficiencies that need to be satisfied in order to reverse the condition.  We have to ask ourselves if we'd rather address the cause of our high blood pressure or simply take a pill that only masks a big problem with our body?  Do we want to take drugs to "poison ourselves into good health" or would we rather nutrify to satisfy our body's desire to do what God designed it to do - heal itself?

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